Popular mobile messaging service WhatsApp has started rolling out its most expected Free voice calling features for Android user with version 2.11.508 of WhatsApp, which is the app’s latest version. WhatsApp Calling, a feature which enables the chat program to allow voice calls over data, recently started showing up on certain devices. WhatsApp developers were inviting a few random users, who could help test the voice calling feature over data or Wi-Fi. Here we are providing you the simple procedure to activate Whatsapp Voice Calling Feature to your Android device. - See more at: http://allindiaroundup.com/enable-whatsapp-voice-calling-feature/#sthash.ekxghlDL.dpuf
WhatsApp starts rolling out voice calling feature:
A report by GSM Arena pointed out that one Reddit user called pradnesh07 was able to get the feature activated on his Nexus 5 smartphone running on Android 5.0 Lollipop. Not all users were given the access to the new feature, even though the new version of WhatsApp is supporting the calling option, but is kept disabled till WhatsApp enabled it for all.
He posted saying that, “I can’t seem to send invites to other people, the only thing I can ensure is that it works in India for people running Lollipop 5.0.x on a Nexus 5. Other Indians without the earlier combo don’t get it.”
Minimum Requirements:
Before activating this feature to your android device check out the Minimum requirements to Get this Whatsapp voice calling feature.
- Android OS should be 2.1 or above.
- Active Internet connection
- Tablet devices are not supported
However, in order to enable the calling feature on WhatsApp, you need to get an invite or a WhatsApp voice call from someone who has this feature already enabled. The person who has WhatsApp Calling enabled, on his app needs, to make a voice call to you and your WhatsApp app will then be enabled to make voice calls over data, through which, you can invite more people.
How to Enable WhatsApp Voice Calling?
- In order to get the feature activated on your phone, Android users must first update their app to the latest version.
Click here to Download Latest version of Whatsapp to activate free voice calling
- The file size is 18.52MB and would require Android 2.1 and higher and to get the calling feature you need to have a Android 4.4 KitKat and above version running your Android handset.
- After downloading click on Install button.
- Your Whatsapp Calls has been activated successfully
- Once updated, you need to find a user who already has the feature activated and ask them to call you.
- This will activate the voice calling feature on your WhatsApp, granting you the access to invite other friends on your contact list to do the same.
If you miss a call from another user, there will be a notification left in the phone’s notification panel. Also, ongoing calls will be shown in the notification panel during the entire call time along with an option to disconnect without returning to the main calling screen.
The feature is not available yet on the iPhone although WhatsApp’s recent iOS update had introduced a calling button within the chat window. The feature also doesn’t work on Windows Phone handsets, at the moment.
Facebook, which bought WhatsApp last year, recently revealed that the app has 700 million monthly active users and that over 30 billion messages are shared on WhatsApp everyday. With voice-calling feature it’s likely that WhatsApp’s engagement number will rise further.
SOURCE: http://allindiaroundup.com/
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Whatsapp Voice Calling is great news for android phone users.